London Dungeon Age Limit

The black pages of British history can now be seen at the London Dungeon, a new museum on the south bank of the Thames that opened earlier this year to the public.

At the entrance of the London Dungeon were written three words: "Humiliation, Curse, and Death", according to what was on display in this London Dungeon.

The new museum is lit by candles and dim lights hidden behind plastic cobwebs.

In the first room there are supernatural beings, such as: BC sorcerers, fairies, and the grandfather Shony, a Scottish sea demon who likes to drag drowning people to his underwater castle.

Actually, Shony is an amazing man with a long beard and his body is covered in a green shirt covered in fish scales.


The next room, the historic room, depicts the crucifixion of ST. George, a patron saint of England. Before him was Boadicea, queen of England in the first century, who was busy stabbing a Roman soldier in the throat.

A visitor. Those who are used to the darkness and the terrible sounds that come from all corners, will realize that the London Dungeon is a serious place, which tries to portray the savagery of humans against other humans, which is related to British history.

There is also a tableau showing the victims of the Reformation being burned alive. Quotes from ancient histories were plastered on the black walls.


For example: a report of an incident in 1511 "burning people against religion, causing an increase in the price of wood".

Seeing the murder of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's poor second wife, visitors can clearly see the torture that took place in the Tower of London.


A warning was written on it: "This show is not for the faint-hearted or nauseous audience. And at your own risk if you have nightmares."

The London Dungeon was the brainchild of Mrs Annabel Geddes, a young mother of 3 who quickly became an expert on "black sheet" history in England.

The museum is located on Tooley Street, across the Thames near the Tower of London, where once there was a torture chamber, a cemetery, and a deep pit for the bodies of plague victims.

What lessons can visitors draw from the London Dungeon? Even though today's world is still full of aggression, clashes and dangers, the situation is still better than before. (BBC London Letter).

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